Welcome to the West Bank documentation project Let us begin with something that everyone knows ..or maybe not everyone as current generations did not grow up in an era when there was no video but celluloid. And even then, when there were videos (VHS and Betamax), there was no YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, TikTok or Instagram. The first Internet video hosting site was ShareYourWorld.com, founded in 1997. There are many definitions of history. However, the most simple way to explain it is to use the pictured images. A celluloid film consists of a series of frames. Each frame is part of a scene which, in return, may be part of a series of scenes. They all together form what is called a sequence. So, a movie is built up by a series of sequences. If you watch the whole film, you will see a chronology of frames, scenes, and sequences. Visualizing history is similar to this, meaning that you can imagine history as a complete movie unless you cut it into pieces to remove frames, scenes, or even a whole sequence that you don't want people to watch. Like every movie, any event must have a beginning as nothing happens in a vacuum. There is always a main cause or root, which always lies in the very past. And so it is about the West Bank.
In 1956, David Ben-Gurion, the European Zionist migrant who became the first Israeli leader, stated that: "Jordan has no right to exist. [...] The territory to the West of the Jordan should be made an autonomous region of Israel". There had been a very strong opposition to any "Balkanization" or division of Palestine, especially among American Zionists, in the mid-late thirties, since it would have made a prospective homeland, thus truncated, suicidally small. It was in this context that Ben-Gurion argued forcefully for accepting partition agreements as temporary measures, steps on the way to an incremental incorporation of all of Palestine into a Jewish state. According to Israeli historian Adam Raz, as early as 1961, the Israeli armed colonist forces had drawn up meticulous plans for the conquest and retention of not only the West Bank, but also the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip from Egypt, and the Golan Heights from Syria. In August 1963, within the framework of "expected directions of expansion", southern Lebanon up to the Litani River was also included. During the 1967 June War Israel appointed a Military Governor to rule the West Bank, with a remit to retain Jordanian law except where these conflicted with Israel's rights as a belligerent occupying power. The Israeli administration of Palestinian territories became in time "the longest – and, accordingly, the most entrenched and institutionalized – belligerent occupation in modern history" However, the occupying power must not deport or transfer parts of its civilian population into the territory it occupies. If the occupying power considers it necessary, for imperative reasons of security, to take safety measures concerning civilians, it may at the most subject them to assigned residence or to internment. But "assigned residence or to internment" refers to existing locations.
Any completion of a new assignment into visible permanent inhabitation is colonization, not occupation as the latter is explained differently in International Humanitarian Law where occupation is a temporary situation at the end of which control of the territory will return to the original sovereign. The latter is not the case. |
On January 21, 2024, President Donald Trump’s pick to be the United States ambassador to the United Nations became the latest administration nominee to express the belief that Israel has “biblical” dominion over the occupied West Bank. ![]() Elise Stefanik’s comment on Tuesday came during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where she also pledged to further Trump’s “America First” mission. This is such an ill-conceived claim. The Jews don't have the Bible. They have the Torah and the Talmud. The evolution of the religion of the Jews just ended there where the evolution of the Bible begins. It is appalling to see how pro-Israelis abuse history. No (extreme) right-wing American has ever made such a stupid statement since the Israeli occupation of the West Bank in 1967. The name "Israel" is borrowed from the name "Israelites". They were a nomadic tribe who invaded the Amalekites' homeland (the Negev desert) from the south (the Sinai desert) and slaughtered the women, children, and even animals that the Amalekites kept.
The West Bank did not exist then, not even when Canaan was a patchwork of tribal areas. The entire region has been renamed over and over again. But still, the Israelis just erased all the renamings before "Samaria" and "Judea", the name Ottoman Palestine, and British Mandatory Palestine so that the "history" of the West Bank begins there. They and their followers still do the same about the Holocaust by only mentioning the Jews. They use the word "Hebrew" on an industrial scale and speak the Hebrew language as if it has always been the language of the Jews. Well, the latter is a fictional reality as Hebrew is borrowed from the tribe of Abraham that lived in the region of Ur in the southeast of Mesopotamia in today's Iraq. Abraham and his people weren't Jews, as Judaism didn't exist when he was still in his homeland. First, they had to arrive in Canaan, where Abraham joined other tribes to reach a covenant in which they all agreed to accept one god.
Well, the Romans may have "borrowed". At least, they weren't accused of stealing, which the ancestors of the modern-day Israelis did when they invaded British Mandatory Palestine in 1947. No, the Israelis don't have any right to be in historic Palestine at all", which their European Zionist ancestors renamed into "Israel" as it was masterminded in 1916 by the Briton Mark Sykes and the Frenchman Francoise Picot when they divided the remains of the Ottoman Empire into British and French colonies. It was concluded a year later by another Briton, Arthur Balfour with the words "We have a Jewish state." No country has ever emerged to exist by conspiracy, masterminding, and invented ideology. |
The West Bank Documentation differs from the Gaza documentation. Here, we document crimes committed by Israelis while acting as an occupying power but in the West Bank. Click on the screenshot to enlarge. A few examples: There were cases of extrajudicial killings reported so we looked for information which resulted in the finding of videos. |
We're sorry for the inconvenience that we can explain. The documentation about the West Bank and Gaza form the Palestine Archive containing more than 30.000 videos, photos, screenshots and documents, and is therefore too large. Upgrading the used ISP package is not the solution as the archive keeps growing. GLOSM is a self-funded project. Technically, it is more than keeping a (huge) website online. In addition to standard costs like your domain and package, the larger the website, the more web space you need, and the higher the monthly cost. Then, there are extra monthly costs, such as keeping the website secure and protected. Hardware doesn't last a lifetime. You have to update, repair, or replace hardware parts occasionally. The documentation runs locally for the reasons above. |
Inventory of collected documents, videos, photos & screenshots for the research on Israeli war crimes since October 2023 in the West Bank
Date | Description | Type | ||||||||
20250206 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Journalists filmed while filming a Israeli drone | video | ||||||||
20250206 | Tamun, south of Tubas, West Bank - Israeli armored vehicle spotted | 2 videos | ||||||||
20250205 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Trace of Israeli ransacking in a street | video | ||||||||
20250205 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Brave elderly man defies Israeli occupiers | video | ||||||||
20250205 | Jenin, West Bank - Aftermath Israeli razzia | video | ||||||||
20250205 | Ayoun Al-Haramiya intersection between Ramallah and Nablus in the occupied West Bank - Israeli settlers attack a Palestinian man | video | ||||||||
20250204 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Palestinian says Israelis denied people access to food, water, or freedom of movement | video | ||||||||
20250203 | Tulkarm refugee camp, West Bank - Aftermath Israeli razzia | video | ||||||||
20250203 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Two Israeli Caterpiller D9 bulldozers filmed while destroying a road | video | ||||||||
20250203 | Jenin, West Bank - Aftermath demolition of a residential building by Israelis | 2 videos | ||||||||
20250202 | Tulkarem, West Bank - An Israeli vehicle deliberately destroyed fruit stall of Palestinian vendor | video | ||||||||
20250201 | Jenin refugee camp, West Bank - Israelis blew up Palestinian homes simultaneously (9) | 9 videos | ||||||||
20250129 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Israelis have set a house on fire | video | ||||||||
20250129 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Israelis have demolished a house | video | ||||||||
20250128 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Israelis shot a Palestinian man | video | ||||||||
20250128 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Israelis firing at journalists | video | ||||||||
20250124 | Qabatia, West Bank - Israelis bombed a car with two people inside | video | ||||||||
20250124 | Jenin refugee camp, West Bank - Last moment of four unknown Palestinians | video | ||||||||
20250123 | Jenin refugee camp, West Bank - Israelis forcing patients and doctors to leave Jenin Governmental Hospital | hand-out | ||||||||
20250122 | Jenin, West Bank - Two Israeli Caterpiller D9 bulldozers filmed while destroying a road | video | ||||||||
20250122 | Jenin, West Bank - Smoke or dust rises into the air | video | ||||||||
20250122 | Jenin, West Bank - A group of captured Palestinian men in white suits | video | ||||||||
20250120 | Azone, east of Qalqilya, West Bank - Tens of occupied Palestinians rounded up | video | ||||||||
20250114 | Jenin refugee camp, West Bank - Israelis bombed a house. Number of victims are unknown | video | ||||||||
20250108 | Israeli occupiers resort to perfidy to kidnap a Palestinian | video | ||||||||
20250105 | Nablus, West Bank - Security cam in Balata refugee camp catches Israeli occpying troops resort to perfidy by using a ambulance | 2 videos | ||||||||
20250102 | Jenin, West Bank - Israeli occupier shared footage with Israeli Channel 14 showing the capture of women, children and men | video | ||||||||
20241228 | Silwad, West Bank - Settler terrorists attacked two farmers on farm land east of Ramallah | video | ||||||||
20241228 | Jenin, West Bank - Journalist Shaza Al-Sabbagh shot in the head by a PA forces sniper | video | ||||||||
20241113 | Tulkarm, West Bank - Israeli occupying troops resort to perfidy in Ezbet Al-Jarad neighborhood by using a civilian and unmarked car | video | ||||||||
20241005 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Israelis used a F-16 to drop a bomb | video | ||||||||
20241004 | Israelis carry out the first deadliest airstrike in over 20 years | video | ||||||||
20240919 | Qabatiya outside Jenin, West Bank - Israelis pushing a dead body from a building | 8 videos | ||||||||
20240806 | Tubas, Wst Bank - Israelis have killed 4 Palestinians and wounded seven | 3 videos | ||||||||
20240806 | Tubas, West Bank - Israeli surrounded Al-Turki Hospital and killed 5 Palestinians | screenshot | ||||||||
20240806 | Tubas, West Bank - 14 yo Bilal Azeddine Sawafteh killed in front Al-Turki Hospital | photo | ||||||||
20240806 | Tubas, West Bank - 14 yo Bilal Azeddine Sawafteh killed in front Al-Turki Hospital | video | ||||||||
20240723 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Israeli occupier bulldozer with dead bodies of killed Palestinians | video | ||||||||
20240722 | Israeli occupiers shoot and kill Canadian national in Kibbutz Netiv Haasara (1) | screenshot | ||||||||
20240722 | Israeli occupiers shoot and kill Canadian national in Kibbutz Netiv Haasara (2) | video | ||||||||
20240712 | unknown place, Jerusalem or West Bank - Israeli fires on someone standing at the window | video | ||||||||
20240710 | Israeli forces fatally shoot 14-year-old Palestinian boy in the back | document | ||||||||
20240704 | Jenin, West Bank - Palestinian reportedly shot and killed by Israeli sniper | photo | ||||||||
20240703 | Nour Sham, Tulkarem, West Bank - Israeli Panther vehicle runs reversed on a ED killing everyone inside | video | ||||||||
20240703 | Qalqilya, West Bank - Three young men kidnapped in the early morning hours | video | ||||||||
20240703 | Israelis take revenge and kidnap mother of killed Karmiel shopping mall attacker (act of collective punishment) | video | ||||||||
20240703 | Karmiel - Palestinian attacks two occupier soldiers but gets killed | video | ||||||||
20240702 | unknown place - Unknown Israeli shares video showing how Palestinians are treated in a Israeli jail | 2 videos | ||||||||
20240702 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Four Plaestinains killed by Israelis in Nour Shams refugee camp | 2 videos | ||||||||
20240701 | unknown place, West Bank - Video showing Israelis running over dead Palestinian | video | ||||||||
20240701 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Mohammed Sarhan was shot and killed at entrence of refugee camp | video | ||||||||
20240627 | Israeli forces arrest 28 Palestinians in raids in occupied West Bank | document | ||||||||
20240626 | Israeli Zionist Channel 13 report gives glimps of a Negev concentration camp | video | ||||||||
20240620 | Qalqilya, West Bank - 15 years old Palestinian shot and killed by occupiers | video | ||||||||
20240618 | Journalist confronts Miller with Israeli sniper killing of 7 bystanders in Jenin | video | ||||||||
20240616 | Hablah, southern Qalqilia city, West Bank - Hadeel Mardawi abducted during razzia | video | ||||||||
20240614 | Israeli snipers killed 7 bystanders in one hour | screenshot | ||||||||
20240614 | Al Berih, West Bank - Israelis shot a teenager in Um Al Sharayet neighborhood | video | ||||||||
20240613 | unknown place - An Israeli recruit posted a photo of herself on Instagram with a captured Palestinian | screenshot | ||||||||
20240613 | Qabatiya, West Bank - Occupiers kill Palestinian and dumps the body with a bulldozer | 3 videos | ||||||||
20240611 | Kafr Dan, west of Jenin, West Bank - Israelis keep shooting at Palestinian teenager Ahmad Samoudi who cries for help | video | ||||||||
20240606 | Jenin, West Bank - Two Palestinians shot and killed from behind in undated video | video | ||||||||
20240603 | unknown place, West Bank - Occupiers kidnap dead body of Palestinian on the roof of a hall in the vicinity of Balata refugee camp in Nablus | video | ||||||||
20240518 | unknown place, West Bank - Israeli settler urinating on dead body of a Palestinian | video | ||||||||
20240518 | Jenin, West Bank - Aftermath air attack by a Israeli fighter jet and a helicopter | video | ||||||||
20240517 | Jenin, West Bank - Helicopter fires a missile | video | ||||||||
20240425 | Al-Jalazoun camp, Ramallah - Three children kidnapped by occupiers | video | ||||||||
20240424 | Hebron, West Bank - Israelis shot a nurse in the head | 3 videos | ||||||||
20240420 | Tulkarem, West Bank - 19 killed and 10 dead bodies kidnapped | 2 videos | ||||||||
20240420 | Tukarem, West Bank - Palestinian reportedly executed in own house | 3 videos | ||||||||
20240419 | Tukarem, West Bank - Israeli razzia in dozens of Palestinians during the ongoing invasion of Nour Shams refugee camp | video | ||||||||
20240404 | unknown place, Gaza or West Bank - Handcuffed people in undated photo look being executed | video | ||||||||
20240403 | unknown place, West Bank or East Jerusalem - Occupier bangs on the back of a kidnapped Palestinian | video | ||||||||
20240403 | Undercover raids increase in the occupied West Bank. These raids are acts of perfidy, which is a war crime | video | ||||||||
20240328 | Jenin, West Bank - Two unarmed Palestinians shot dead by Israelis | video | ||||||||
20240328 | Hebron, West Bank - Jewish converted Palestinian seen killed execution-style | document | ||||||||
20240328 | Hebron, West Bank - Jewish converted Palestinian seen killed execution-style | screenshot | ||||||||
20240328 | Hebron, West Bank - Jewish converted Palestinian seen killed execution-style | 3 videos | ||||||||
20240320 | Jenin, West Bank - Israelis bombed two cars | 2 videos | ||||||||
20240313 | Israeli Zionist extremist Itamar Ben-Gvir defends the sniper killing of teenager | video | ||||||||
20240312 | unknown place, West Bank - A Palestinian man was shot and killed by Israelis | video | ||||||||
20240312 | 13-year-old Palestinian boy shot dead by Israeli troops | screenshot | ||||||||
20240312 | 13-year-old Palestinian boy shot dead by Israeli troops | video | ||||||||
20240310 | unknown place, West Bank - Israelis kidnapping a little boy | video | ||||||||
20240306 | Two teenagers killed by Israeli occupiers | video | ||||||||
20240302 | unknown place, West Bank - Brutal abduction of a Palestinian | video | ||||||||
20240302 | Old City, Jerusalem - Brutal abduction of an Palestinian | video | ||||||||
20240222 | unknown place, possible West Bank not Gaza - Ramadan Shamlakh awfully beaten by Israeli occupiers | video | ||||||||
20240220 | unknown place, West Bank - Israeli sniper aimed at 14 years old school boy | video | ||||||||
20240216 | Jenin, West Bank - Israelis capturing workers from Gaza in the village of Barta'a | video | ||||||||
20240215 | unknown place, West Bank - Israeli occupier shoots blindfolded Palestinian in the back | video | ||||||||
20240213 | unknown place, West Bank - Occupiers ran over a boy on a bicycle then kills him | video | ||||||||
20240213 | unknown place, West Bank - Boy shot by a Israeli sniper | video | ||||||||
20240204 | unknown place, West Bank - Video emerges showing a toddler reportedly abducted because of a toy gun | video | ||||||||
20240203 | unknown place, West Bank - Teenager captured while an occupier throws an projectile | video | ||||||||
20240201 | unknown places, West Bank - Israelis kidnapped at least 44 citizens in the past 24 hours | screenshot | ||||||||
20240201 | unknown place, West Bank - Teenage boy gets a fist stump on his head | video | ||||||||
20240201 | unknown place, West Bank - Owner of a barbershop abducted | video | ||||||||
20240131 | unknown places, West Bank - Israelis abducted 400 children since October 7th | screenshot | ||||||||
20240131 | unknown place, West Bank - Israeli occupiers captured a Palestinian man | video | ||||||||
20240131 | unknown place, West Bank - Captured Palestinian in Israeli combat fatigue (forced perfidy) but used as human shield | video | ||||||||
20240131 | unknown place, Gaza or West Bank - Israeli Zionist car drives over de body of Palestinian apparently executed | video | ||||||||
20240130 | unknown place, West Bank - Two blindfolded and handcuffed Palestinians | video | ||||||||
20240130 | unknown place, West Bank - Two blindfolded and handcuffed Palestinians abducted | video | ||||||||
20240130 | unknown place, West Bank - Palestinian woman left bleeding to death | video | ||||||||
20240130 | unknown place, West Bank - Abducted Palestinian man abused | video | ||||||||
20240130 | Jenin, West Bank - Israelis carried out an terrorist attack inside Ibn Sina Hospital killing two wounded patients. Killings were a act of perfidy which is a war crime | 15 videos | ||||||||
20240130 | Jenin, West Bank - Israelis carried out an terrorist attack inside Ibn Sina Hospital killing two wounded patients. Killings were a act of perfidy which is a war crime | see above | ||||||||
20240130 | Bethlehem, West Bank - Zionist musta’ribeen kidnapped Muhammad Zawahra | video | ||||||||
20240130 | Al-Arroub, north of Al-Khalil, WestBank - Muayyad Al-Sharbi re-abducted | video | ||||||||
20240129 | unknown place, West Bank - Palestinian killed by occupation troops | video | ||||||||
20240129 | Taquo east south Bethlehem - Israeli occupier kills Palestinian student and abduct his body | screenshot | ||||||||
20240129 | Taquo east south Bethlehem - Israeli occupier kills Palestinian student and abduct his body | 3 videos | ||||||||
20240129 | Jenin, West Bank - Israeli occupiers kill Thaer Hammo while he shows being no threat to them | video | ||||||||
20240129 | Dura, West Bank - Israeli occupiers shot a Palestinian in the head | video | ||||||||
20240129 | Bethlehem, West Bank - Surveillance camera records Israelis are shooting on Palestinians from behind | video | ||||||||
20240126 | unknown place, West Bank - Two Palestinian worshippers abducted for praying in public | video | ||||||||
20240124 | Deir Nidham, West Bank - Israeli occupiers dragging a man out of his car | video | ||||||||
20240121 | unknown place, West Bank - Resident films the abduction of mother with her children | video | ||||||||
20240118 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Israeli airstrike on a house in Al-Manshiya neighborhood, Nour Shams refugees camp | video | ||||||||
20240117 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Four Palestinians reportedly killed by an Israeli drone strike | 2 videos | ||||||||
20240117 | Qalqillia, West Bank - Israeli occupation forces kidnapped 13 Palestinian residents of Gaza | video | ||||||||
20240111 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Israeli occupiers capturing several young men at the Jabara checkpoint, south of Tulkarm | video | ||||||||
20240110 | Tukarem, West Bank - Israeli vehicle runs willfully over the bodies of Palestinians they have killed | video | ||||||||
20240108 | Hebron, West Bank - Occupation forces abducted a child from his home in Al-Salaymeh neighborhood | video | ||||||||
20240107 | Jenin, West Bank - An reported Israeli drone killed men who are at a workers assemble place | 7 videos | ||||||||
20240105 | Beit Rema, north west Ramallah West Bank - Israelis shot17-year-old high school student Esid Tariq Enis al-Rimavi | video | ||||||||
20240105 | Beit Rema, north west Ramallah West Bank - CCTV footage shows Israelis shot 17-year-old high school student Esid Tariq Enis al-Rimavi | video | ||||||||
20240102 | unknown place, West Bank - Israeli kicks on a Palestinian who is already dead | video | ||||||||
20231228 | unknown place, West Bank - Man opens gate while not knowing presence of Israeli snipers | video | ||||||||
20231226 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Israeli drone attack on a car in Nour Shams refugee camp reported | 3 videos | ||||||||
20231226 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Israeli airstrike on a house the Israelis claim it was a IED factory | 2 videos | ||||||||
20231226 | Ramallah, West Bank - Israeli occupiers have kidnapped Palestinian elected representative lleader, Khalida Jarrar from her home | screenshot | ||||||||
20231226 | Qaryut, West Bank - Settlers, dressed in military attire, have opened fire towards the homes of Palestinians. Civilian act of perfidy, and making themselves active combatant | video | ||||||||
20231221 | Qalqilya, West Bank - Israeli occupation forces abductng body of Nasser Abu-Hamed | video | ||||||||
20231219 | unknown place, West Bank - Boy identified as 13 years old Palestinian American Malik Jaffal, abducted by Israeli occupiers | video | ||||||||
20231218 | Jenin, West Bank - Israeli invaders captured Palestinian men reportedly in their own home | video | ||||||||
20231217 | Israeli occupiers use drone bombers dropping shrapnel munition that explodes few meters above ground | video | ||||||||
20231214 | Jenin, West Bank - Israeli occupier insults Islam in mosque | video | ||||||||
20231214 | Hebron, West Bank - Israeli soldier from Nahal Brigade displaying kidnapped Palestinian | video | ||||||||
20231212 | Salwad Sharqi Ramallah, West Bank - Elderly woman among two other women captured by Israeli occupiers | video | ||||||||
20231212 | Jenin refugee camp, West Bank - Israeli armed drone attack kills several Palestinians 2 footages | video | ||||||||
20231208 | unknown place, West Bank - Two teenagers in the hands of Israelis | video | ||||||||
20231208 | Al-Far’a refugee camp, West Bank - Israelis caught shooting Palestinian in the back then kills the victim | video | ||||||||
20231205 | Hebron, West Bank - Palestinian reportedly mentally ill, shot at point blank | 2 videos | ||||||||
20231130 | unknown place, West Bank - 12 years old boy shot by Israeli occupiers | video | ||||||||
20231129 | Tubas, West Bank - Two Palestinians captured | video | ||||||||
20231129 | ceasefire deal - Jenin refugee camp, West Bank - Israeli occupiers with new prisoners to compensate those they lost in the deal | video | ||||||||
20231129 | ceasefire deal - Israelis released 117 Palestinians but captured in the West Bank 116 in same last 3 days | video | ||||||||
20231129 | Jenin refugee camp, West Bank - Two boys shot and killed by Israeli occupiers on two different moments on same street | screenshot | ||||||||
20231129 | Jenin refugee camp, West Bank - Two boys shot and killed by Israeli occupiers on two different moments on same street | 2 videos | ||||||||
20231129 | Jenin refugee camp, West Bank - Nine years old boy shot and killed by Israelis while playing footbal | photo | ||||||||
20231129 | Jenin refugee camp West Bank - Nine years old boy shot and killed by Israelis while playing footbal | 3 videos | ||||||||
20231129 | Aqbet Jaber refugees camp, West Bank - Car driver films a blindfolded boy reportedly 12 years old taken by an Israeli occupier | 2 videos | ||||||||
20231125 | unknown place, West Bank - Unknown person apparently shot lay on the street | video | ||||||||
20231125 | unknown place, West Bank - Israeli occupiers violate UN rights of the child. Everyone below the age of 18 is a child | video | ||||||||
20231124 | unknown place,West Bank - Israeli occupiers takes a 7 years old boy at school | video | ||||||||
20231121 | Tulkarm, West Bank - Israeli occupiers taking a patient from an ambulance in the yard of Thabet Thabet hospital | video | ||||||||
20231119 | Israelis use robotic weapons in the West Bank | document | ||||||||
20231118 | Jenin, West Bank - Israelis raid into Al Shifa Hospital (yes, there's one too) | video | ||||||||
20231118 | Balata camp, east of Nablus, West Bank - Israeli occupier hits a Palestinian with a rifle in his own home | video | ||||||||
20231117 | unknown place, West Bank - Israeli occupiers mistreating captured occupied Palestinians | video | ||||||||
20231117 | unknown place, West Bank - Israeli occupiers violating Geneva Convention by forcing Palestinians being naked | 2 videos | ||||||||
20231117 | Israeli razzia in Jenin, West Bank | video | ||||||||
20231117 | Budrus, West Bank - Video from unknown date shows Israeli occupier throws an grenade into a mosque during call for prayer | video | ||||||||
20231117 | Balata refugees camp, Nablus West Bank - Isrealis bombed the Fatah movement building killing 5 people and wounded dozens | video | ||||||||
20231117 | Balata refugees camp, Nablus West Bank - Israelis bomb camp that appears to have no hamas presence | video | ||||||||
20231116 | unknown place, West Bank - Israeli occupier is seen arresting an elderly woman who can barely walk | video | ||||||||
20231116 | Jenin, West Bank - Israeli troops occupied the Ibn Sina hospital | video | ||||||||
20231114 | Tulkarem, West Bank - Israelis are laying a siege at the Thabet Public Hospital | video | ||||||||
20231114 | Israeli soldiers’ arrest of Palestinian man was caught live | video | ||||||||
20231113 | unknown place, West Bank - Unknown person shot by Israeli occupiers | video | ||||||||
20231113 | Qalqilya, West Bank - Israeli occupiers shoots and kill one Palestinian in the back, wounds another in his leg | video | ||||||||
20231113 | Hebron, West Bank - Occupation soldiers severely beat the Palestinian Lyad Banat | 5 videos | ||||||||
20231113 | Hebron, West Bank - Israeli occupation forces execute an elderly taxi driver by headshot | video | ||||||||
20231113 | Hebron, West Bank - Israeli occupation forces execute an elderly taxi driver by headshot | photo | ||||||||
20231112 | al-Tuwani village, Masafer Yatta, Southern Hebron - Masked Israeli settlers wearing Israeli military uniform | video | ||||||||
20231111 | Video shows Israeli soldiers torturing a Palestinian man | video | ||||||||
20231111 | unknown place, Gaza - Israeli media has published footage of an Israeli armed bulldozer running over dead body of a Palestinian | video | ||||||||
20231109 | unknown place, West Bank - Israeli occupiers fire on a Palestinian child who was filming them | video | ||||||||
20231109 | Jenin, West Bank - Israeli occupiers open fire on people who try to help a wounded | video | ||||||||
20231109 | Jenin, West Bank - Israeli occupiers kill 8 Palestinian resistants.
6 videos | ||||||||
20231108 | Nahef, West Bank - Woman was arrested for reportedly uploading a WhatsApp status praising Hamas (Oct. 7th) | video | ||||||||
20231103 | unknown place, West Bank - The dead body of a Palestinian man filmed while being disgraced | video | ||||||||
20231102 | unknown place, West Bank - Occupiers abducting Palestinian men | video | ||||||||
20231102 | unknown place, West Bank - Palestinian captives kicked and stamped while half naked. One victim is even fully naked. | video | ||||||||
20231102 | unknown place, West Bank - 2 brothers have been arrested by occupation forces | video | ||||||||
20231102 | Jenin, West Bank - Israeli occupier kills Palestinian in front of the main entrance to Ibn Sina Hospital | video | ||||||||
20231102 | Al-Bireh, West Bank - Child named Ayman Shaf'i was killed by Israelis today | video | ||||||||
20231101 | unknown place, West Bank - Israeli occupation troops abducting occupied people | video | ||||||||
20231101 | unknown place, West Bank - Palestinian psychologically tortured | video | ||||||||
20231031 | unknown place, West Bank - Blindfolded Palestinian kicked by occupation soldier | video | ||||||||
20231027 | Hebron, West Bank - Dr. Farouk Ashour abducted | video | ||||||||
20231018 | unknown place, West Bank - Protesters being shot by Israeli snipers after throwing stones. | video | ||||||||
20231017 | Jenin, West Bank - Protest aganst Israeli airstrike on Al-Ahly Baptist Hospital | video | ||||||||